
geetools.batch.image.toAsset(image, assetPath, name=None, to='Folder', scale=None, region=None, create=True, verbose=False, **kwargs)#

This function can create folders and ImageCollections on the fly.

The rest is the same to Export.image.toAsset. You can pass the same params as the original function.

  • image (ee.Image) – the image to upload

  • assetPath (str) – path to upload the image (only PATH, without filename)

  • name (str) – filename for the image (AssetID will be assetPath + name)

  • to – where to save the image. Options: ‘Folder’ or ‘ImageCollection’

  • region (ee.Geometry.Rectangle or ee.Feature) – area to upload. default to the footprint of the first image in the collection

  • scale (int) – scale of the image (side of one pixel) (Landsat resolution)

  • dataType (str) – as downloaded images must have the same data type in all bands, you have to set it here. Can be one of: “float”, “double”, “int”, “Uint8”, “Int8” or a casting function like ee.Image.toFloat

  • notebook (bool) – display a jupyter notebook widget to monitor the task


the tasks

Return type:
