
TODO missing docstring.


fromGeoJSON([filename, data, crs])

Create a list of Features from a GeoJSON file. Return a python tuple.

fromKML([filename, data, crs, encoding])

Create a list of Features from a KML file. Return a python tuple.

fromShapefile(filename[, crs, start, end])

Convert an ESRI file (.shp and .dbf must be present) to a.

toAsset(table, assetPath[, name, create, verbose])

This function can create folders and ImageCollections on the fly.

toCSV(collection, filename[, split_at])

Alternative to download a FeatureCollection as a CSV.

toDict(collection[, split_at])

Get the FeatureCollection as a dict object.

toDriveShapefile(collection[, description, folder, ...])

Export a FeatureCollection to a SHP in Google Drive. The advantage of.

toGeoJSON(collection, name[, path, split_at])

Export a FeatureCollection to a GeoJSON file.

toLocal(collection, filename[, filetype, selectors, path])

Download a FeatureCollection to a local file a CSV or geoJSON file.