

This section gathered may real lif example of the Lib usage gathered by the community. If you think your workflow should be shared please open a PR and follow the contribution guildelines shared in the next section.


The example gallery is a work in progress as the library was recently refactored. All contributions are welcolmed!

Add a new example#

We need you!

Currently most of the examples built by @Rodrigo are still using the old implementation of the library. They should be transformed into modern example and moved from the old notebook folder to the new example one to be displayed in our doc.

The examples are regular notebook files that are interpreted by the nbsphinx lib and displayed in the doc, clicking on the open in colab button will open a colab notebook with the code ready to be executed and the view source will bring you back to github.

To add a new example, you can use the example template and replace things with your code.

Adapt the code of the 2 first buttons to your file so users can lunch it in collab and view the source in github.


Then you can open a PR with the new file and it will be reviewed and merged.