Plot ee.FeatureCollection objects using matplotlib#

The geetools extension contains a set of functions for rendering charts from ee.FeatureCollection objects. The choice of function determines the arrangement of data in the chart, i.e., what defines x- and y-axis values and what defines the series. Use the following function descriptions and examples to determine the best function and chart type for your purpose.

github colab

Set up environment#

Install all the required libs if necessary and perform the import statements upstream.

# uncomment if installation of libs is necessary
# !pip install earthengine-api geetools
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import ee
import geetools #noqa: F401
# uncomment if authetication to GEE is needed
# ee.Authenticate()
# uncomment if initialization is required
# ee.Initialize()

Example data#

The following examples rely on a FeatureCollection composed of three ecoregion features with properties that describe climate normals.

# Import the example feature collection.
ecoregions = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/google/charts_feature_example')


Column chart#

Features are plotted along the x-axis, labeled by values of a selected property. Series are represented by adjacent columns defined by a list of property names whose values are plotted along the y-axis.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize the plot with the ecoregions data
    type = "bar",
    featureId = "label",
    properties = ['01_tmean', '02_tmean', '03_tmean', '04_tmean', '05_tmean', '06_tmean', '07_tmean', '08_tmean', '09_tmean', '10_tmean', '11_tmean', '12_tmean'],
    labels = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"],
    colors = ['#604791', '#1d6b99', '#39a8a7', '#0f8755', '#76b349', '#f0af07', '#e37d05', '#cf513e', '#96356f', '#724173', '#9c4f97', '#696969'],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Average Monthly Temperature by Ecoregion")
ax.set_ylabel("Temperature (°C)")

Stacked column chart#

Features are plotted along the x-axis, labeled by values of a selected property. Series are represented by stacked columns defined by a list of property names whose values are plotted along the y-axis as the cumulative series sum.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize theplot with the ecoregions data
    type = "stacked",
    featureId = "label",
    properties = ['01_ppt', '02_ppt', '03_ppt', '04_ppt', '05_ppt', '06_ppt', '07_ppt', '08_ppt', '09_ppt', '10_ppt', '11_ppt', '12_ppt'],
    labels = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"],
    colors = ['#604791', '#1d6b99', '#39a8a7', '#0f8755', '#76b349', '#f0af07', '#e37d05', '#cf513e', '#96356f', '#724173', '#9c4f97', '#696969'],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Average Monthly Precipitation by Ecoregion")
ax.set_ylabel("Precipitation (mm)")

Scatter chart#

Features are plotted along the x-axis, labeled by values of a selected property. Series are represented by points defined by a list of property names whose values are plotted along the y-axis.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize theplot with the ecoregions data
    type = "scatter",
    featureId = "label",
    properties = ['01_ppt', '06_ppt', '09_ppt'],
    labels = ["jan", "jun", "sep"],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Average Monthly Precipitation by Ecoregion")
ax.set_ylabel("Precipitation (mm)")

Pie chart#

The pie is a property, each slice is the share from each feature whose value is cast as a percentage of the sum of all values of features composing the pie.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize theplot with the ecoregions data
    type = "pie",
    featureId = "label",
    properties = ['06_ppt'],
    colors = ["#f0af07", "#0f8755", "#76b349"],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Share of precipitation in June by Ecoregion")

Donut chart#

The donut is a property, each slice is the share from each feature whose value is cast as a percentage of the sum of all values of features composing the donut.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize theplot with the ecoregions data
    type = "donut",
    featureId = "label",
    properties = ['07_ppt'],
    colors = ["#f0af07", "#0f8755", "#76b349"],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Share of precipitation in July by Ecoregion")


Column chart#

Feature properties are plotted along the x-axis, labeled and sorted by a dictionary input; the values of the given properties are plotted along the y-axis. Series are features, represented by columns, labeled by values of a selected property.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize theplot with the ecoregions data
ax = ecoregions.geetools.plot_by_properties(
    type = "bar",
    properties = ['01_ppt', '02_ppt', '03_ppt', '04_ppt', '05_ppt', '06_ppt', '07_ppt', '08_ppt', '09_ppt', '10_ppt', '11_ppt', '12_ppt'],
    labels = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"],
    featureId = "label",
    colors = ["#f0af07", "#0f8755", "#76b349"],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Average Monthly Precipitation by Ecoregion")
ax.set_ylabel("Precipitation (mm)")

Line chart#

Feature properties are plotted along the x-axis, labeled and sorted by a dictionary input; the values of the given properties are plotted along the y-axis. Series are features, represented by columns, labeled by values of a selected property.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize theplot with the ecoregions data
ax = ecoregions.geetools.plot_by_properties(
    type = "plot",
    properties = ["01_ppt", "02_ppt", "03_ppt", "04_ppt", "05_ppt", "06_ppt", "07_ppt", "08_ppt", "09_ppt", "10_ppt", "11_ppt", "12_ppt"],
    featureId = "label",
    labels = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"],
    colors = ["#f0af07", "#0f8755", "#76b349"],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Average Monthly Precipitation by Ecoregion")
ax.set_ylabel("Precipitation (mm)")

Area chart#

Feature properties are plotted along the x-axis, labeled and sorted by a dictionary input; the values of the given properties are plotted along the y-axis. Series are features, represented by lines and shaded areas, labeled by values of a selected property.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# initialize the plot with the ecoregions data
ax = ecoregions.geetools.plot_by_properties(
    type = "fill_between",
    properties = ["01_ppt", "02_ppt", "03_ppt", "04_ppt", "05_ppt", "06_ppt", "07_ppt", "08_ppt", "09_ppt", "10_ppt", "11_ppt", "12_ppt"],
    labels = ["jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec"],
    featureId = "label",
    colors = ["#f0af07", "#0f8755", "#76b349"],
    ax = ax

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("Average Monthly Precipitation by Ecoregion")
ax.set_ylabel("Precipitation (mm)")


The x-axis is defined by value bins for the range of values of a selected property; the y-axis is the number of elements in the given bin.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# load some data
normClim = ee.ImageCollection('OREGONSTATE/PRISM/Norm81m').toBands()

# Make a point sample of climate variables for a region in western USA.
region = ee.Geometry.Rectangle(-123.41, 40.43, -116.38, 45.14)
climSamp = normClim.sample(region, 5000)

# initialize the plot with the ecoregions data
ax = climSamp.geetools.plot_hist(
    property = "07_ppt",
    label = "July Precipitation (mm)",
    color = '#1d6b99',
    ax = ax,
    bins = 30

# once created the axes can be modified as needed using pure matplotlib functions
ax.set_title("July Precipitation Distribution for NW USA")
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