static, description='myExportVideoTask', folder=None, fileNamePrefix=None, framesPerSecond=None, dimensions=None, region=None, scale=None, crs=None, crsTransform=None, maxPixels=None, maxFrames=None, priority=None, **kwargs)#

Creates a task to export an ImageCollection as a video to Drive.

  • collection – The image collection to be exported. The collection must only contain RGB images.

  • description – Human-readable name of the task.

  • folder – The name of a unique folder in your Drive account to export into. Defaults to the root of the drive.

  • fileNamePrefix – The Google Drive filename for the export. Defaults to the name of the task.

  • framesPerSecond – A number between .1 and 120 describing the framerate of the exported video.

  • dimensions – The dimensions of the exported video. Takes either a single positive integer as the maximum dimension or “WIDTHxHEIGHT” where WIDTH and HEIGHT are each positive integers.

  • region – The lon,lat coordinates for a LinearRing or Polygon specifying the region to export. Can be specified as a nested lists of numbers or a serialized string. Defaults to the first image’s region.

  • scale – The resolution in meters per pixel.

  • crs – The coordinate reference system of the exported video’s projection. Defaults to SR-ORG:6627.

  • crsTransform – A comma-separated string of 6 numbers describing the affine transform of the coordinate reference system of the exported video’s projection, in the order: xScale, xShearing, xTranslation, yShearing, yScale and yTranslation. Defaults to the image collection’s native CRS transform.

  • maxPixels – The maximum number of pixels per frame. Defaults to 1e8 pixels per frame. By setting this explicitly, you may raise or lower the limit.

  • maxFrames – The maximum number of frames to export. Defaults to 1000 frames. By setting this explicitly, you may raise or lower the limit.

  • priority – The priority of the task within the project. Higher priority tasks are scheduled sooner. Must be an integer between 0 and 9999. Defaults to 100.

  • **kwargs – Holds other keyword arguments that may have been deprecated such as ‘crs_transform’.


An unstarted Task that exports the image collection to Drive.