
geetools.FeatureCollectionAccessor.byFeatures(featureId='system:index', properties=[], labels=[])#

Get a dictionary with all property values for each feature.

This method is returning a dictionary with all the feature ids as keys and their properties as a dictionary.

    "feature1": {"property1": value1, "property2": value2, ...},
    "feature2": {"property1": value1, "property2": value2, ...},

The output remain server side and can be used to create a client side plot.

  • featureId (geetools.types.ee_str) – The property to use as the feature id. Defaults to “system:index”. This property needs to be a string property.

  • properties (geetools.types.ee_list) – A list of properties to get the values from.

  • labels (list) – A list of names to replace properties names. Default to the properties names.


A dictionary with all the feature ids as keys and their properties as a dictionary.

Return type:



import ee, geetools

fc = ee.FeatureCollection("FAO/GAUL/2015/level2").limit(10)
d = fc.geetools.byFeature(featureId="ADM2_CODE", properties=["ADM0_CODE"])