Source code for geetools.batch.utils

"""Missing docstring."""
import os

import ee

[docs] GEOMETRY_TYPES = { "BBox": ee.geometry.Geometry.BBox, "LineString": ee.geometry.Geometry.LineString, "LineRing": ee.geometry.Geometry.LinearRing, "MultiLineString": ee.geometry.Geometry.MultiLineString, "MultiPolygon": ee.geometry.Geometry.MultiPolygon, "MultiPoint": ee.geometry.Geometry.MultiPoint, "Point": ee.geometry.Geometry.Point, "Polygon": ee.geometry.Geometry.Polygon, "Rectangle": ee.geometry.Geometry.Rectangle, "GeometryCollection": ee.geometry.Geometry, }
def getProjection(filename, path=None): """Get EPSG from a shapefile using pycrs. :param filename: an ESRI shapefile (.shp) :type filename: str """ try: import pycrs except ModuleNotFoundError as e: print("Install pycrs mode by `pip install pycrs`") raise e except Exception as e: raise e import os import requests if not path: path = os.getcwd() BASEURL = "" fname = filename.split(".")[0] prjname = "{}.prj".format(fname) fpath = os.path.join(path, prjname) if not os.path.exists(prjname): raise ValueError("{} does not exist".format(fpath)) crs = pycrs.load.from_file(fpath) wkt = crs.to_ogc_wkt() params = dict(mode="wkt", terms=wkt) response = requests.get(BASEURL, params) rjson = response.json() return rjson["codes"][0]["code"] def kmlToGeoJsonDict(kmlfile=None, data=None, encoding=None): """Convert a KML file to a GeoJSON dict.""" import xml.dom.minidom as md import kml2geojson from fastkml import kml k = kml.KML() with open(kmlfile) as thefile: kmlf = # Handle encoding if not encoding: try: import re match ='encoding=".+"', kmlf).group() encoding = match.split("=")[1][1:-1] except Exception: encoding = "utf-8" kmlf = kmlf.encode(encoding) k.from_string(kmlf) kmlStr = k.to_string() # force encoding kmlStr = kmlStr.encode(encoding, errors="ignore").decode() root = md.parseString(kmlStr) layers = kml2geojson.build_feature_collection(root) return layers def isPoint(pointlist): """Verify is a list is a list of points.""" if len(pointlist) in [2, 3]: if isinstance(pointlist[0], (int, float)) and isinstance(pointlist[1], (int, float)): return True else: return False else: return False def hasZ(pointlist): """Determine if points inside coordinates have Z values.""" points = pointlist[0] first = points[0] if len(first) == 3: return True else: return False def removeZ(coords): """Remove Z values from coordinates.""" newcoords = coords.copy() for p in newcoords[0]: p.pop(2) return newcoords def recrusiveDeleteAsset(assetId): """TODO missing docstring.""" info = if info: ty = info["type"] if ty in ["Image", "FeatureCollection"]: # setting content to 0 will delete the assetId content = 0 elif ty in ["Folder", "ImageCollection"]: try: content ={"id": assetId}) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return else: print("Can't handle {} type yet".format(ty)) if content == 0: # delete empty collection and/or folder else: for asset in content: path = asset["id"] ty = asset["type"] if ty == "Image": # print('deleting {}'.format(path)) else: recrusiveDeleteAsset(path) # delete empty collection and/or folder else: print("{} does not exists or there is another problem".format(assetId)) def convertDataType(newtype): """Convert an image to the specified data type. :param newtype: the data type. One of 'float', 'int', 'byte', 'double', 'Uint8','int8','Uint16', 'int16', 'Uint32','int32' :type newtype: str :return: a function to map over a collection :rtype: function """ newtype = newtype.lower() def wrap(image): TYPES = { "float": image.toFloat, "int": image.toInt, "byte": image.toByte, "double": image.toDouble, "uint8": image.toUint8, "int8": image.toInt8, "uint16": image.toUint16, "int16": image.toInt16, "uint32": image.toUint32, "int32": image.toInt32, } return TYPES[newtype]() return wrap def create_asset(asset_id, asset_type, mk_parents=True): """Create an Asset.""" types = {"ImageCollection": "IMAGE_COLLECTION", "Folder": "FOLDER"} already = if already: ty = already["type"] if ty != types[asset_type]: raise ValueError("{} is a {}. Can't create asset".format(asset_id, ty)) else: return None if mk_parents: parts = asset_id.split("/") root = "/".join(parts[:2]) root += "/" for part in parts[2:-1]: root += part if is None:{"type": "Folder"}, root) root += "/" return{"type": asset_type}, asset_id) def createAssets(asset_ids, asset_type, mk_parents): """Creates the specified assets if they do not exist. This is a fork of the original function in '' module with the difference that. - If the asset already exists but the type is different that the one we want, raise an error - Starts the creation of folders since 'user/username/' Will be here until I can pull requests to the original repo :param asset_ids: list of paths :type asset_ids: list :param asset_type: the type of the assets. Options: "ImageCollection" or "Folder" :type asset_type: str :param mk_parents: make the parents? :type mk_parents: bool :return: A description of the saved asset, including a generated ID """ for asset_id in asset_ids: already = if already: ty = already["type"] if ty != asset_type: raise ValueError("{} is a {}. Can't create asset".format(asset_id, ty)) print("Asset %s already exists" % asset_id) continue if mk_parents: parts = asset_id.split("/") root = "/".join(parts[:2]) root += "/" for part in parts[2:-1]: root += part if is None:{"type": "Folder"}, root) root += "/" return{"type": asset_type}, asset_id) def downloadFile(url, name, extension, path=None): """Download a file from a given url. :param url: full url :type url: str :param name: name for the file (can contain a path) :type name: str :param extension: extension for the file :type extension: str :return: the created file (closed) :rtype: file """ import requests response = requests.get(url, stream=True) code = response.status_code if path is None: path = os.getcwd() pathname = os.path.join(path, name) while code != 200: if code == 400: return None response = requests.get(url, stream=True) code = response.status_code size = response.headers.get("content-length", 0) if size: print("size:", size) with open("{}.{}".format(pathname, extension), "wb") as handle: for data in response.iter_content(): handle.write(data) return handle def matchDescription(name, custom=None): """Format a name to be accepted as a description. The rule is: The description must contain only the following characters: a..z, A..Z, 0..9, ".", ",", ":", ";", "_" or "-". The description must be at most 100 characters long. """ letters = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", ] numbers = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] upper = [s.capitalize() for s in letters] chars = [".", ",", ":", ";", "_", "-"] allchars = letters + upper + chars + numbers replacements = [ [" ", [" "]], ["-", ["/"]], [".", ["?", "!", "¿", "*"]], [":", ["(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}"]], ["a", ["á", "ä", "à", "æ"]], ["e", ["é", "ë", "è"]], ["i", ["í", "ï", "ì"]], ["o", ["ó", "ö", "ò", "ø"]], ["u", ["ú", "ü", "ù"]], ["c", ["¢", "ç"]], ["n", ["ñ"]], ] replacementupper = [] for r in replacements: row = [] row.append(r[0].capitalize()) row2 = [] for alt in r[1]: row2.append(alt.capitalize()) row.append(row2) replacementupper.append(row) replacements_dict = dict() for replacement in replacements + replacementupper: letter = replacement[0] repl = replacement[1] for char in repl: replacements_dict[char] = letter # user custom mapping if custom: replacements_dict.update(custom) description = "" for letter in name: if letter not in allchars: if letter in replacements_dict: description += replacements_dict[letter] else: description += "" else: description += letter return description[0:100]