Source code for geetools.Date

"""Extra methods for the ``ee.Date`` class."""
from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime

import ee

from geetools.accessors import register_class_accessor

[docs] EE_EPOCH = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
@register_class_accessor(ee.Date, "geetools") class DateAccessor: """Toolbox for the ``ee.Date`` class.""" def __init__(self, obj: ee.Date): """Initialize the Date class.""" self._obj = obj # -- alternative constructor ----------------------------------------------- @classmethod def fromEpoch(cls, number: int, unit: str = "day") -> ee.Date: """Set an the number of units since epoch (1970-01-01). Parameters: number: The number of units since the epoch. unit: The unit to return the number of. One of: ``second``, ``minute``, ``hour``, ``day``, ``month``, ``year``. Returns: The date as a ``ee.Date`` object. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() d = ee.Date.geetools.fromEpoch(49, 'year') d.getInfo() """ cls.check_unit(unit) return ee.Date(EE_EPOCH.isoformat()).advance(number, unit) @classmethod def fromDOY(cls, doy: int, year: int) -> ee.Date: """Create a date from a day of year and a year. Parameters: doy: The day of year. year: The year. Returns: The date as a ``ee.Date`` object. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() d = ee.Date.geetools.fromDOY(1, 2020) d.getInfo() """ d, y = ee.Number(doy).toInt(), ee.Number(year).toInt() return ee.Date.fromYMD(y, 1, 1).advance(d.subtract(1), "day") # -- export date ----------------------------------------------------------- def to_datetime(self) -> datetime: """Convert a ``ee.Date`` to a ``datetime.datetime``. Returns: The ``datetime.datetime`` representation of the ``ee.Date``. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() d = ee.Date('2020-01-01').geetools.toDatetime() d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') """ return datetime.fromtimestamp(self._obj.millis().getInfo() / 1000.0) # -- date operations ------------------------------------------------------- def getUnitSinceEpoch(self, unit: str = "day") -> ee.Number: """Get the number of units since epoch (1970-01-01). Parameters: unit: The unit to return the number of. One of: ``second``, ``minute``, ``hour``, ``day``, ``month``, ``year``. Returns: The number of units since the epoch. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() d = ee.Date('2020-01-01').geetools.getUnitSinceEpoch('year') d.getInfo() """ self.check_unit(unit) return self._obj.difference(EE_EPOCH, unit).toInt() def isLeap(self) -> ee.Number: """Check if the year of the date is a leap year. Returns: ``1`` if the year is a leap year, ``0`` otherwise. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() d = ee.Date('2020-01-01').geetools.isLeap() d.getInfo() """ year = self._obj.get("year") divisibleBy4 = year.mod(4).eq(0) divisibleBy100 = year.mod(100).eq(0) divisibleBy400 = year.mod(400).eq(0) # d400 or (d4 and not d100) isLeap = divisibleBy400.Or(divisibleBy4.And(divisibleBy100.Not())) return isLeap.toInt() # -- helper methods -------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def check_unit(unit: str) -> None: """Check if the provided value is a valid time unit.""" if unit not in (units := ["second", "minute", "hour", "day", "month", "year"]): raise ValueError(f"unit must be one of: {','.join(units)}")