Source code for

# coding=utf-8
"""legacy Module holding tools for ee.ImageCollections."""
import ee
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

import geetools  # noqa: F401

@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use instead")
[docs] def add(collection, image): """Add an Image to the Collection.""" return ee.ImageCollection(collection).geetools.append(image)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use instead")
[docs] def allMasked(collection): """Get a mask which indicates pixels that are masked in all images (0) from the others""" return ee.ImageCollection(collection).geetools.collectionMask()
[docs] def containsAllBands(collection, bands): """Filter a collection with images containing all bands specified in. parameter `bands` . """ bands = ee.List(bands) # add bands as metadata collection = i: ee.Image(i).set("_BANDS_", ee.Image(i).bandNames())) band0 = ee.String(bands.get(0)) rest = ee.List(bands.slice(1)) filt0 = ee.Filter.listContains(leftField="_BANDS_", rightValue=band0) # Get filter def wrap(band, filt): band = ee.String(band) filt = ee.Filter(filt) newfilt = ee.Filter.listContains(leftField="_BANDS_", rightValue=band) return ee.Filter.And(filt, newfilt) filt = ee.Filter(rest.iterate(wrap, filt0)) return collection.filter(filt)
[docs] def containsAnyBand(collection, bands): """Filter a collection with images cotaining any of the bands specified in. parameter `bands` . """ bands = ee.List(bands) # add bands as metadata collection = i: ee.Image(i).set("_BANDS_", ee.Image(i).bandNames())) band0 = ee.String(bands.get(0)) rest = ee.List(bands.slice(1)) filt0 = ee.Filter.listContains(leftField="_BANDS_", rightValue=band0) # Get filter def wrap(band, filt): band = ee.String(band) filt = ee.Filter(filt) newfilt = ee.Filter.listContains(leftField="_BANDS_", rightValue=band) return ee.Filter.Or(filt, newfilt) filt = ee.Filter(rest.iterate(wrap, filt0)) return collection.filter(filt)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="It is error prone as some collection have no ID.")
[docs] def getId(collection): """Get the ID of an ImageCollection.""" raise NotImplementedError("It is error prone as some collection have no ID.")
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.ImageCollection.geetools.iloc instead")
[docs] def getImage(collection, index): """Get an Image using its collection index.""" return ee.ImageCollection(collection).geetools.iloc(index)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Underefficient, use the vanilla map method instead")
[docs] def wrapper(f, *arg, **kwargs): """Wrap a function and its arguments into a mapping function for ImageCollection""" raise NotImplementedError("Underefficient, use the vanilla map method instead")
[docs] def enumerateProperty(collection, name="enumeration"): """Missing docstring. :param collection: :param name: :return: """ enumerated = collection.enumerate(collection) def over_list(l): l = ee.List(l) index = ee.Number(l.get(0)) element = l.get(1) return ee.Image(element).set(name, index) imlist = return ee.ImageCollection(imlist)
[docs] def enumerateSimple(collection, name="ENUM"): """Simple enumeration of features inside a collection. Each feature stores. its enumeration, so if the order of features changes over time, the numbers will not be in order . """ size = collection.size() collist = collection.toList(size) seq = ee.List.sequence(0, size.subtract(1)) def wrap(n): n = ee.Number(n).toInt() feat = collist.get(n) return ee.Image(feat).set(name, n) fc = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages( return ee.ImageCollection(fc.copyProperties(source=collection))
[docs] def fillWithLast(collection, reverse=False, proxy=-999): """Fill each masked pixels with the last available not masked pixel. If reverse, it goes backwards. Images must contain a valid date (system:time_start property by default) . """ axis = 0 def shift(array): if reverse: right = array.arraySlice(axis, 1) last = array.arraySlice(axis, -1) return right.arrayCat(last, axis) else: left = array.arraySlice(axis, 0, -1) first = array.arraySlice(axis, 0, 1) return first.arrayCat(left, axis) def move(array): shifted = shift(array) masked = array.neq(proxy) maskednot = array.eq(proxy) t1 = array.multiply(masked) t2 = shifted.multiply(maskednot) final = t1.add(t2) return final def fill(array, size): size = ee.Number(size) indices = ee.List.sequence(0, size.subtract(1)) def wrap(i, a): a = ee.Image(a) return move(a) return ee.Image(indices.iterate(wrap, array)) collection = lambda i: image_module.emptyBackground(i, proxy).copyProperties( source=i, properties=i.propertyNames() ) ) bands = ee.Image(collection.first()).bandNames() size = collection.size() array = collection.toArray() fill_array = fill(array, size) props = aggregate_array_all(collection) indices = ee.List.sequence(0, size.subtract(1)) def wrap(index): index = ee.Number(index).toInt() sliced = fill_array.arraySlice(axis, index, index.add(1)) im = sliced.arrayProject([1]).arrayFlatten([bands]) prop = ee.Dictionary(props.get(index)) im = ee.Image(im.setMulti(prop)) return im.updateMask(im.neq(proxy)) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use vanilla ee.ImageCollection.geometry instead")
[docs] def mergeGeometries(collection): """Merge the geometries of many images. Return ee.Geometry.""" return ee.ImageCollection(collection).geometry()
[docs] def mosaicSameDay(collection, qualityBand=None): """Return a collection where images from the same day are mosaicked. :param qualityBand: the band that holds the quality score for mosaiking. If None it will use the simpler mosaic() function :type qualityBand: str :return: a new image collection with 1 image per day. The only property kept is `system:time_start` :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ all_dates = collection.aggregate_array("system:time_start") def overdates(d, l): l = ee.List(l) date = ee.Date(d) day = date.get("day") month = date.get("month") year = date.get("year") clean_date = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, month, day) condition = l.contains(clean_date) return ee.Algorithms.If(condition, l, l.add(clean_date)) date_list = ee.List(all_dates.iterate(overdates, ee.List([]))) first_img = ee.Image(collection.first()) bands = first_img.bandNames() def make_col(date): date = ee.Date(date) filtered = collection.filterDate(date, date.advance(1, "day")) if qualityBand: mosaic = filtered.qualityMosaic(qualityBand) else: mosaic = filtered.mosaic() mosaic = mosaic.set( "system:time_start", date.millis(), "system:footprint", mergeGeometries(filtered), ) # mosaic = mosaic.rename(bands) mosaic = def reproject(bname, mos): mos = ee.Image(mos) mos_bnames = mos.bandNames() bname = ee.String(bname) proj = newmos = ee.Image( ee.Algorithms.If( mos_bnames.contains(bname), image_module.replace(mos, bname,, mos, ) ) return newmos mosaic = ee.Image(bands.iterate(reproject, mosaic)) return mosaic new_col = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages( return new_col
[docs] def reduceEqualInterval( collection, interval=30, unit="day", reducer=None, start_date=None, end_date=None ): """Reduce an ImageCollection into a new one that has one image per. reduced interval, for example, one image per month. :param collection: the collection :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :param interval: the interval to reduce :type interval: int :param unit: unit of the interval. Can be 'day', 'month', 'year' :param reducer: the reducer to apply where images overlap. If None, uses a median reducer :type reducer: ee.Reducer :param start_date: fix the start date. If None, uses the date of the first image in the collection :type start_date: ee.Date :param end_date: fix the end date. If None, uses the date of the last image in the collection :type end_date: ee.Date :return: """ interval = int(interval) # force to int first = ee.Image(collection.sort("system:time_start").first()) bands = first.bandNames() if not start_date: start_date = if not end_date: last = ee.Image(collection.sort("system:time_start", False).first()) end_date = if not reducer: reducer = ee.Reducer.median() def apply_reducer(red, col): return ee.Image(col.reduce(red)) ranges = date.daterangeList(start_date, end_date, interval, unit) def over_ranges(drange, ini): ini = ee.List(ini) drange = ee.DateRange(drange) start = drange.start() end = drange.end() filtered = collection.filterDate(start, end) condition = ee.Number(filtered.size()).gt(0) def true(): image = ( apply_reducer(reducer, filtered) .set("system:time_start", end.millis()) .set("reduced_from", start.format()) .set("reduced_to", end.format()) ) # rename to original names image =, bands) result = ini.add(image) return result return ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(condition, true(), ini)) imlist = ee.List(ranges.iterate(over_ranges, ee.List([]))) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(imlist)
[docs] def makeEqualInterval(collection, interval=1, unit="month"): """Make a list of image collections filtered by the given interval. for example, one month. Starts from the end of the parsed collection. :param collection: the collection :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :param interval: the interval :type interval: int :param unit: unit of the interval. Can be 'day', 'month', 'year' :rtype: ee.List """ interval = int(interval) # force to int collist = collection.sort("system:time_start").toList(collection.size()) start_date = ee.Image(collist.get(0)).date() end_date = ee.Image(collist.get(-1)).date() ranges = date.daterangeList(start_date, end_date, interval, unit) def over_ranges(drange, ini): ini = ee.List(ini) drange = ee.DateRange(drange) start = drange.start() end = drange.end() filtered = collection.filterDate(start, end) condition = ee.Number(filtered.size()).gt(0) return ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(condition, ini.add(filtered), ini)) imlist = ee.List(ranges.iterate(over_ranges, ee.List([]))) return imlist
[docs] def makeDayIntervals(collection, interval=30, reverse=False, buffer="second"): """Make day intervals.""" interval = int(interval) collection = collection.sort("system:time_start", True) start = collection.first().date() end = collection.sort("system:time_start", False).first().date() ranges = date.dayRangeIntervals(start, end, interval, reverse, buffer) def over_ranges(drange, ini): ini = ee.List(ini) drange = ee.DateRange(drange) start = drange.start() end = drange.end() filtered = collection.filterDate(start, end) condition = ee.Number(filtered.size()).gt(0) return ee.List(ee.Algorithms.If(condition, ini.add(filtered), ini)) imlist = ee.List(ranges.iterate(over_ranges, ee.List([]))) return imlist
[docs] def reduceDayIntervals(collection, reducer, interval=30, reverse=False, buffer="second"): """Reduce Day Intervals. :param reducer: a function that takes as only argument a collection and returns an image :type reducer: function :return: an image collection :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ intervals = makeDayIntervals(collection, interval, reverse, buffer) reduced = return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(reduced)
[docs] def getValues( collection, geometry, scale=None, reducer=None, id="system:index", properties=None, side="server", maxPixels=1e7, bestEffort=False, tileScale=1, ): """Return all values of all bands of an image collection in the. specified geometry. :param geometry: Point from where to get the info :type geometry: ee.Geometry :param scale: The scale to use in the reducer. It defaults to 10 due to the minimum scale available in EE (Sentinel 10m) :type scale: int :param id: image property that will be the key in the result dict :type id: str :param properties: image properties that will be added to the resulting dict :type properties: list :param side: 'server' or 'client' side :type side: str :return: Values of all bands in the point :rtype: dict """ if reducer is None: reducer = ee.Reducer.mean() if not scale: scale = 1 else: scale = int(scale) if not properties: properties = [] properties = ee.List(properties) def listval(img, it): theid = ee.Algorithms.String(img.get(id)) values = img.reduceRegion( reducer, geometry, scale, maxPixels=maxPixels, bestEffort=bestEffort, tileScale=tileScale, ) values = ee.Dictionary(values) img_props = img.propertyNames() def add_properties(prop, ini): ini = ee.Dictionary(ini) condition = img_props.contains(prop) def true(): value = img.get(prop) return ini.set(prop, value) return ee.Algorithms.If(condition, true(), ini) with_prop = ee.Dictionary(properties.iterate(add_properties, values)) return ee.Dictionary(it).set(theid, with_prop) result = collection.iterate(listval, ee.Dictionary({})) result = ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If(collection.size().neq(0), result, {})) if side == "server": return result elif side == "client": return result.getInfo() else: raise ValueError("side parameter must be 'server' or 'client'")
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.ImageCollection.geetools.outliers instead")
[docs] def outliers(collection, bands, sigma=2, updateMask=False): """Compute outliers in the collection""" return ee.ImageCollection(collection).geetools.outliers(bands, sigma, updateMask)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="geetools will mostly focus on server-side methods now")
[docs] def data2pandas(data): """Convert data coming from tools.imagecollection.get_values to a pandas DataFrame.""" raise NotImplementedError("geetools will mostly focus on server-side methods now")
[docs] def parametrizeProperty( collection, property, range_from, range_to, pattern="{property}_PARAMETRIZED" ): """Parametrize a property. :param collection: the ImageCollection :param range_from: the original property range :param range_to: the desired property range :param property: the name of the property :param pattern: the name of the resulting property. Wherever it says 'property' will be replaced with the passed property. :return: the parsed collection in which every image has a new parametrized property """ name = pattern.replace("{property}", property) original_range = range_from if isinstance(range_from, ee.List) else ee.List(range_from) final_range = range_to if isinstance(range_to, ee.List) else ee.List(range_to) # original min and max min0 = ee.Number(original_range.get(0)) max0 = ee.Number(original_range.get(1)) # range from min to max rango0 = max0.subtract(min0) # final min max images min1 = ee.Number(final_range.get(0)) max1 = ee.Number(final_range.get(1)) rango1 = max1.subtract(min1) def wrap(img): value = ee.Number(img.get(property)) percent = value.subtract(min0).divide(rango0) final = percent.multiply(rango1).add(min1) return img.set(name, final) return
[docs] def linearFunctionBand( collection, band, range_min=None, range_max=None, mean=None, output_min=None, output_max=None, name="linear_function", ): """Apply a linear function over the bands across every image of the. ImageCollection using the following formula: - a = abs(val-mean) - b = output_max-output_min - c = abs(range_max-mean) - d = abs(range_min-mean) - e = max(c, d) f(x) = a*(-1)*(b/e)+output_max :param band: the band to process :param range_min: the minimum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed reducing the collection :param range_max: the maximum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed reducing the collection :param output_min: the minimum value that will take the resulting band. :param output_max: the minimum value that will take the resulting band. :param mean: the value on the given range that will take the `output_max` value :param name: the name of the resulting band :return: the parsed collection in which every image will have an extra band that results of applying the linear function over every pixel in the image :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ if range_min is None: range_min = ee.Image("imin") else: range_min = castImage(range_min) if range_max is None: range_max = ee.Image("imax") else: range_max = castImage(range_max) def to_map(img): result = image_module.linearFunction( img, band, range_min, range_max, mean, output_min, output_max, name ) return img.addBands(result.rename(name)) collection = return collection
[docs] def linearFunctionProperty( collection, property, range_min=None, range_max=None, mean=None, output_min=None, output_max=None, name="LINEAR_FUNCTION", ): """Apply a linear function over the properties across every image of the. ImageCollection using the following formula: - a = abs(val-mean) - b = output_max-output_min - c = abs(range_max-mean) - d = abs(range_min-mean) - e = max(c, d) f(x) = a*(-1)*(b/e)+output_max :param property: the property to process :param range_min: the minimum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed reducing the collection :param range_max: the maximum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed reducing the collection :param output_min: the minimum value that will take the resulting band. :param output_max: the minimum value that will take the resulting band. :param mean: the value on the given range that will take the `output_max` value :param name: the name of the resulting band :return: the parsed collection in which every image will have an extra property that results of applying the linear function over every pixel in the image :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ if range_min is None: imin = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_min(property)) else: imin = ee.Number(range_min) if range_max is None: imax = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_max(property)) else: imax = ee.Number(range_max) if mean is None: imean = imax else: imean = ee.Number(mean) if output_max is None: output_max = imax else: output_max = ee.Number(output_max) if output_min is None: output_min = imin else: output_min = ee.Number(output_min) a = imax.subtract(imean).abs() b = imin.subtract(imean).abs() t = a.max(b) def to_map(img): val = ee.Number(img.get(property)) a = val.subtract(imean).abs().multiply(-1) b = output_max.subtract(output_min) c = b.divide(t) d = a.multiply(c) result = d.add(output_max) return img.set(name, result) collection = return collection
[docs] def linearInterpolation(collection, date_property="system:time_start"): """TODO missing docstring.""" def _addTime(collection): def wrap(i): sec = ee.Number(i.get(date_property)) isec = image_module.empty(sec, i.bandNames()) isec_suffix = image_module.addSuffix(isec, "_tmpTime") m = i.mask() isec_masked = isec.updateMask(m) isec_masked_suffix = image_module.addSuffix(isec_masked, "_maskedTime") return i.addBands(isec_suffix).addBands(isec_masked_suffix) return # get the mask for the final result finalmask = allMasked(collection) if date_property != "system:time_start": collection = collection.sort(date_property) # add time bands collection = _addTime(collection) filled = fillWithLast(collection, False) filled_back = fillWithLast(collection, True) condition = ee.Filter.equals(leftField="system:index", rightField="system:index") match1 = ee.Join.saveFirst("filled").apply( primary=collection, secondary=filled, condition=condition ) match2 = ee.Join.saveFirst("filled_back").apply( primary=match1, secondary=filled_back, condition=condition ) def wrap(image): o = ee.Image(image) bands = o.bandNames() masked = o.mask().Not() f = ee.Image(image.get("filled")).unmask() fb = ee.Image(image.get("filled_back")).unmask() # filters filter0 = ee.Filter.stringContains("item", "maskedTime") filter1 = ee.Filter.stringContains("item", "maskedTime").Not() filter2 = ee.Filter.stringContains("item", "tmpTime").Not() # get all deltas (including delta x) dy = ee.Image(fb.subtract(f)).unmask() dx_bands = bands.filter(filter0) # select only delta x for each band dx = # get original bands original_bands = bands.filter(filter1).filter(filter2) # get delta for original bands delta = # now that we have delta x and delta for the original bands # get the slope slope = delta.divide(dx).unmask() # filled original bands fos = # filled back original bands fob = # original bands oo = # masked original bands mo = t =".+_tmpTime").subtract(".+_maskedTime")) fill = fos.add(slope.multiply(t)).unmask() fill2 = fob.where(fill, fill) fill3 = fos.where(fill2, fill2) final = oo.unmask().where(mo, fill3) final = image_module.deleteProperties(final) final = ( .copyProperties(o, exclude=["filled", "filled_back"]) .set(date_property, o.get(date_property)) .set("system:index", o.get("system:index")) ) return ee.Image(final).updateMask(finalmask) return ee.ImageCollection(
[docs] def gaussFunctionBand( collection, band, range_min=None, range_max=None, mean=0, output_min=None, output_max=1, std=None, stretch=1, name="gauss", ): """Compute a Gauss function using a specified band over an. ImageCollection. See: :param band: the name of the band to use :type band: str :param range_min: the minimum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed :param range_max: the maximum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed :param mean: the position of the center of the peak. Defaults to 0 :type mean: int or float :param std: the standard deviation value. Defaults to range/4 :type std: int or float :param output_max: height of the curve's peak :type output_max: int or float :param output_min: the desired minimum of the curve :type output_min: int or float :param stretch: a stretching value. As bigger as stretch :type stretch: int or float :param name: the name of the resulting band :return: the parsed collection in which every image will have an extra band that results of applying the gauss function over every pixel in the image :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ if range_min is None: range_min = ee.Image(collection.min()) else: range_min = castImage(range_min) if range_max is None: range_max = ee.Image(collection.max()) else: range_max = castImage(range_max) def to_map(img): result = image_module.gaussFunction( img, band, range_min=range_min, range_max=range_max, mean=mean, std=std, output_min=output_min, output_max=output_max, stretch=stretch, name=name, ) return img.addBands(result) collection = return collection
[docs] def gaussFunctionProperty( collection, property, range_min=None, range_max=None, mean=0, output_min=None, output_max=1, std=None, stretch=1, name="GAUSS", ): """Compute a Gauss function using a specified property over an. ImageCollection. See: :param collection: :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :param property: the name of the property to use :type property: str :param range_min: the minimum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed :param range_max: the maximum pixel value in the parsed band. If None, it will be computed :param mean: the position of the center of the peak. Defaults to 0 :type mean: int or float :param std: the standard deviation value. Defaults to range/4 :type std: int or float :param output_max: height of the curve's peak :type output_max: int or float :param output_min: the desired minimum of the curve :type output_min: int or float :param stretch: a stretching value. As bigger as stretch :type stretch: int or float :param name: the name of the resulting property :return: the parsed collection in which every image will have an extra property that results of applying the linear function over every pixel in the image :rtype: ee.ImageCollection """ if range_min is None: range_min = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_min(property)) else: range_min = ee.Number(range_min) if range_max is None: range_max = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_max(property)) else: range_max = ee.Number(range_max) mean = ee.Number(mean) output_max = ee.Number(output_max) if std is None: std = range_max.subtract(range_min).divide(4) else: std = ee.Number(std) stretch = ee.Number(stretch) def to_map(img): def compute_gauss(value): a = value.subtract(mean).pow(2) b = std.pow(2).multiply(-2) c = a.divide(b).multiply(stretch) d = c.exp() return d.multiply(output_max) no_parametrized = compute_gauss(ee.Number(img.get(property))) if output_min is None: return img.set(name, no_parametrized) else: min_result = compute_gauss(range_min) max_result = compute_gauss(range_max) min_result_final = min_result.min(max_result) e = no_parametrized.subtract(min_result_final) f = output_max.subtract(min_result_final) g = output_max.subtract(output_min) parametrized = e.divide(f).multiply(g).add(output_min) return img.set(name, parametrized) collection = return collection
[docs] def normalDistributionProperty( collection, property, mean=None, std=None, name="NORMAL_DISTRIBUTION" ): """Compute a normal distribution using a specified property, over an. ImageCollection. For more see: :param property: the name of the property to use :type property: str :param mean: the mean value. If None it will be computed from the source. defaults to None. :type mean: float :param std: the standard deviation value. If None it will be computed from the source. Defaults to None. :type std: float """ if mean is None: imean = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_mean(property)) else: imean = ee.Number(mean) if std is None: istd = ee.Number(collection.aggregate_total_sd(property)) else: istd = ee.Number(std) imax = ee.Number(1).divide(istd.multiply(ee.Number(2).multiply(math.pi).sqrt())) return gaussFunctionProperty( collection, property, mean=imean, output_max=imax, std=istd, name=name )
[docs] def normalDistributionBand(collection, band, mean=None, std=None, name="normal_distribution"): """Compute a normal distribution using a specified band, over an. ImageCollection. For more see: :param band: the name of the property to use :type band: str :param mean: the mean value. If None it will be computed from the source. defaults to None. :type mean: float :param std: the standard deviation value. If None it will be computed from the source. Defaults to None. :type std: float """ if mean is None: imean = ee.Image(collection.mean()) else: imean = ee.Image.constant(mean) if std is None: istd = ee.Image(collection.reduce(ee.Reducer.stdDev())) else: istd = ee.Image.constant(std) ipi = ee.Image.constant(math.pi) imax = ee.Image(1).divide(istd.multiply(ee.Image.constant(2).multiply(ipi).sqrt())) return gaussFunctionBand(collection, band, mean=imean, output_max=imax, std=istd, name=name)
[docs] def maskedSize(collection): """Return an image with the percentage of masked pixels. 100% means all. pixels are masked . """ mask = i: i.mask().Not()) def wrap(i): onemore = i.add(1) return onemore.divide(onemore) total = masksum = mask.sum() totalsum = total.sum() return masksum.divide(totalsum).multiply(100).toInt()
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.ImageCollection.geetools.integral instead")
[docs] def area_under_curve(collection, band, x_property="system:time_start", name="under_curve"): """Compute the area under the curve taking the x axis from an image property.""" return ee.ImageCollection(collection).geetools.integral(band, x_property).rename(name)
[docs] def moving_average(collection, back=5, reducer=None, use_original=True): """Compute the moving average over a time series. :param back: number of images back to use for computing the stats :type back: int :param reducer: the reducer to apply. Default is ee.Reducer.mean() :type reducer: ee.Reducer :param use_original: if True, computes the stats over the last original values, otherwise, computes the stats over the last computed values :type use_original: bool """ if reducer is None: reducer = ee.Reducer.mean() def wrap(i, d): d = ee.Dictionary(d) i = ee.Image(i) original = ee.List(d.get("original")) ee.List(d.get("stats")) def true(im, di): original_true = ee.List(di.get("original")) stats_true = ee.List(di.get("stats")) original_true = original_true.add(im) tocompute = original_true if use_original else stats_true.add(im) tempcol = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(tocompute.slice(back * -1)) stats = tempcol.reduce(reducer) stats = stats.rename(im.bandNames()) stats = ee.Image(stats.copyProperties(im, properties=im.propertyNames())) return ee.Dictionary({"original": original_true, "stats": stats_true.add(stats)}) def false(im, di): original2 = ee.List(di.get("original")) ee.List(di.get("stats")) condition2 = original2.size().gt(0) def true2(ima, dic): original_true2 = ee.List(dic.get("original")) original_true2 = original_true2.add(ima) stats_true2 = ee.List(dic.get("stats")) tocompute = original_true2 if use_original else stats_true2.add(ima) tempcol2 = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(tocompute) stats2 = tempcol2.reduce(reducer) stats2 = stats2.rename(ima.bandNames()) stats2 = ee.Image(stats2.copyProperties(ima, properties=ima.propertyNames())) return ee.Dictionary({"original": original_true2, "stats": stats_true2.add(stats2)}) def false2(ima, dic): # first element original_false2 = ee.List(dic.get("original")) stats_false2 = ee.List(dic.get("stats")) return ee.Dictionary( { "original": original_false2.add(ima), "stats": stats_false2.add(ima), } ) return ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If(condition2, true2(im, di), false2(im, di))) condition = original.size().gte(back) return ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If(condition, true(i, d), false(i, d))) final = ee.Dictionary(collection.iterate(wrap, ee.Dictionary({"original": [], "stats": []}))) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(ee.List(final.get("stats")))
[docs] def aggregate_array_all(collection): """Aggregate array in all images and return a list of dicts.""" props = collection.first().propertyNames() allprops = p: collection.aggregate_array(p)) transposed = ee_list.transpose(allprops) return ps: ee.Dictionary.fromLists(props, ps))
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use vanilla ee.ImageCollection.toBands instead")
[docs] def toBands(collection): """Convert an ImageCollection into an Image""" return ee.Image(collection.toBands())