Source code for

"""Legacy tools for the ee.Image class."""
from math import pi

import ee
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.addSuffix instead")
[docs] def addSuffix(image, suffix, bands=None): """Add a suffix to the selected bands of an image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.addSuffix(suffix, bands)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.addPrefix instead")
[docs] def addPrefix(image, prefix, bands=None): """Add a prefix to the selected bands of the image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.addPrefix(prefix, bands)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.getValues instead")
[docs] def getValue(image, point, scale=None): """Get the values of an image at a point.""" scale = scale or 0 return ee.Image(image).geetools.getValues(point, scale)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.minScale instead")
[docs] def minscale(image): """Get the minimum scale of an image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.minScale()
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.merge instead")
[docs] def addMultiBands(imageList): """Merge images.""" list = ee.List(imageList) return ee.Image(list.get(0)).geetools.merge(list.slice(1))
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.merge instead")
[docs] def mixBands(imageList): """Merge images.""" list = ee.List(imageList) return ee.Image(list.get(0)).geetools.merge(list.slice(1))
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.rename instead")
[docs] def renameDict(image, names): """Renames bands of images using a dict.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.rename(names)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.remove instead")
[docs] def removeBands(image, bands): """Remove bands from an image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.remove(bands)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.addbands instead")
[docs] def replace(image, to_replace, to_add): """Replace bands in an image.""" return ee.Image(image).addBands(to_add.rename(to_replace), overwrite=True)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Too many use cases, use pure GEE instead")
[docs] def addConstantBands(image, value=None, *names, **pairs): """Add constant bands to an image.""" names = ee.Dictionary({k: value for k in names}.update(**pairs)) image = names.keys().iterate( lambda k, i: ee.Image(i).addBands(ee.Image.constant(names.get(k)).rename(k)), ee.Image(image), ) return ee.Image(image)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.toGrid instead")
[docs] def toGrid(image, size=1, band=None, geometry=None): """Create a grid from pixels in an image. Results may depend on the image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.toGrid(size, band, geometry)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.clipOnCollection instead")
[docs] def clipToCollection(image, featureCollection, keepFeatureProperties=True): """Clip an image using each feature of a collection and return an. image collection.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.clipOnCollection(featureCollection, int(keepFeatureProperties))
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.bufferMask instead")
[docs] def bufferMask(image, radius, units="pixels"): """Buffer the mask of an image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.bufferMask(radius, units)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.full instead")
[docs] def empty(value=[0], names=["constant"], from_dict=None): """Create a constant image with the given band names and value, and/or. from a dictionary of {name: value}.""" if from_dict is not None: raise Exception( "from_dict is dropped as it can be done directly using ee.Image(from_dict.toImage())" ) return ee.Image.geetools.full(value, names)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.fullLike instead")
[docs] def emptyCopy(image, emptyValue=0, copyProperties=None, keepMask=False, region=None): """Make an empty copy of the given image.""" copyProperties = 1 if copyProperties else 0 keepMask = 1 if keepMask else 0 return ee.Image(image).geetools.fullLike(emptyValue, copyProperties, keepMask)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.reduceBands instead")
[docs] def sumBands(image, name="sum", bands=None): """Adds all *bands* values and puts the result on *name*.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.reduceBands("sum", bands, name)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.full instead and cast it manually") # fmt: skip
[docs] def proxy(values=(0,), names=("constant",), types=("int8",)): """Create a proxy image with the given values, names and types.""" return ee.Image.geetools.full(values, names)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="We abandoned this method as it's bad practice")
[docs] def maskCover(*args, **kwargs): """Compute the percentage of covered area and set it as a property.""" raise Exception( "maskCover is deprecated as you should not set this percentage in the image properties. Simply do a double zonal statistic analysis if needed that's the same amount of parameters." )
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="We abandoned this method as it's bad practice")
[docs] def regionCover(*args, **kwargs): """Compute de percentage of values greater than 1 in area and set it as a property.""" raise Exception( "regionCover is deprecated as you should not set this percentage in the image properties. Simply do a zonal statistic analysis if needed that's the same amount of parameters." )
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.updateMask(mask).Not() instead instead")
[docs] def applyMask(image, mask, bands=None, negative=True): """Apply a passed positive mask.""" return ee.Image(image).updateMask(mask.Not())
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.negativeClip instead")
[docs] def maskInside(image, geometry): """Mask the image inside the geometry.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.negativeClip(geometry)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.format instead")
[docs] def makeName(image, pattern, date_pattern=None, extra=None): """Make a name for an image using a pattern.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.format(pattern, date_pattern)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.copyProperties instead")
[docs] def passProperty(image, to, properties=[]): """Pass properties from an image to another.""" return ee.Image(to).copyProperties(image, properties)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="The method was not doing what it was supposed to do")
[docs] def deleteProperties(image, delete, keep, proxy_name): """Delete properties from an image.""" return ee.Image().addBands(image).copyProperties(image, exclude=[delete])
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Drop use of this method it's bad practice")
[docs] def emptyBackground(image, value=0): """Make all background pixels (not only masked, but all over the world).""" raise Exception( "You should not use this method but consider masking instead. Upon exportation the mask value can be changed depending on the output format. It will avoid to get worldwide images with no data." )
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Carefully create your mask with vanilla GEE instead")
[docs] def goodPix(image, retain, drop, name): """Get a 'good pixels' bands from the image's bands that retain the good.""" raise Exception( "The method was not doing what was described in the docstring. Use vanilla GEE instead." )
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.addPrefix/addSuffix instead instead")
[docs] def renamePattern(image, pattern, bands=[]): """Rename bands using a pattern.""" prefix, suffix = pattern.split("{band}") prefixed_band = bands if bands == [] else [prefix + b for b in bands] return ( ee.Image(image).geetools.addPrefix(prefix, bands).geetools.addSuffix(suffix, prefixed_band) )
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.gauss instead")
[docs] def gaussFunction(image, band, **kwargs): """Apply the Gaussian function to an Image.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.gauss(band or "")
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.gauss instead andrescale it manually")
[docs] def normalDistribution(image, band, **kwargs): """Compute a Normal Distribution using the Gaussian Function.""" params = {"geometry": image.geometry(), "bestEffort": True} std = image.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.stdDev(), **params).get(band) ouptut_max = ee.Image(1).divide(ee.Image(std).multiply(ee.Image(2).multiply(pi).sqrt())) return ee.Image(image).geetools.gauss(band).multiply(ouptut_max)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.doyToDate instead")
[docs] def doyToDate(image, dateFormat="yyyyMMdd", year=None): """Make a date band from a day of year band.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.doyToDate(year, dateFormat)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.getMapId instead")
[docs] def getTileURL(image, visParams=None): """Get the URL for the given image passing a normal visualization.""" return ee.Image(image).getMapId(visParams).getTileUrl()
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.repeat instead")
[docs] def repeatBand(image, times=1, names=None, properties=None): """Repeat one band. If the image parsed has more than one band, the first.""" band = ee.Image(image).bandNames().get(0) return ee.Image(image).geetools.repeat(band, times)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.FeatureCollection.geetools.toImage instead")
[docs] def paint(image, featurecollection, color="black", width=1, *args, **kwargs): """Paint a FeatureCollection onto an Image.""" return featurecollection.geetools.toImage(color, width)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.histogramMatch instead")
[docs] def histogramMatch(sourceImg, targetImg, geometry=None, scale=None, tiles=4, bestEffort=True): """Histogram Matching. From""" return sourceImg.geetools.histogramMatch(targetImg)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.removeZeros instead")
[docs] def arrayNonZeros(image): """Return an image array without zeros.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.removeZeros()
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.interpolateBands instead")
[docs] def parametrize(image, range_from, range_to, *args, **kwargs): """Parametrize from a original **known** range to a fixed new range.""" return ee.Image(image).geetools.interpolateBands(range_from, range_to)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.geetools.interpolateBands instead")
[docs] def linearFunction( image, band, range_min=None, range_max=None, mean=None, output_min=None, output_max=None, name="linear_function", region=None, scale=None, ): """Apply a linear function over one image band using the following.""" range_from = [range_min, range_max] range_to = [output_min, output_max] return ee.Image(image).select([band]).geetools.interpolateBands(range_from, range_to)