Source code for geetools.composite

# coding=utf-8
"""Module holding tools for creating composites."""
from uuid import uuid4

import ee

from . import algorithms, tools

[docs] def medoidScore(collection, bands=None, discard_zeros=False, bandname="sumdist", normalize=True): """Compute a score to reflect 'how far' is from the medoid. Same params as medoid() . """ first_image = ee.Image(collection.first()) if not bands: bands = first_image.bandNames() # Create a unique id property called 'enumeration' enumerated = tools.imagecollection.enumerateProperty(collection) collist = enumerated.toList(enumerated.size()) def over_list(im): im = ee.Image(im) n = ee.Number(im.get("enumeration")) # Remove the current image from the collection filtered = tools.ee_list.removeIndex(collist, n) # Select bands for medoid to_process = def over_collist(img): return ee.Image(img).select(bands) filtered = # Compute the sum of the euclidean distance between the current image # and every image in the rest of the collection dist = algorithms.sumDistance( to_process, filtered, name=bandname, discard_zeros=discard_zeros ) # Mask zero values if not normalize: # multiply by -1 to get the lowest value in the qualityMosaic dist = dist.multiply(-1) return im.addBands(dist) imlist = ee.List( medcol = ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(imlist) # Normalize result to be between 0 and 1 if normalize: min_sumdist = ee.Image("min_sumdist") max_sumdist = ee.Image("max_sumdist") def to_normalize(img): sumdist = newband = ( ee.Image() .expression( "1-((val-min)/(max-min))", {"val": sumdist, "min": min_sumdist, "max": max_sumdist}, ) .rename(bandname) ) return tools.image.replace(img, bandname, newband) medcol = return medcol
[docs] def medoid(collection, bands=None, discard_zeros=False): """Medoid Composite. Adapted from :param collection: the collection to composite :type collection: ee.ImageCollection :param bands: the bands to use for computation. The composite will include all bands :type bands: list :param discard_zeros: Masked and pixels with value zero will not be use for computation. Improves dark zones. :type discard_zeros: bool :return: the Medoid Composite :rtype: ee.Image """ medcol = medoidScore(collection, bands, discard_zeros) comp = medcol.qualityMosaic("sumdist") final = tools.image.removeBands(comp, ["sumdist", "mask"]) return final
[docs] def closestDate(col, clip_to_first=False): """Make a composite in which masked pixels are filled with the. last available pixel. Make sure all image bands are casted. :param clip_to_first: whether to clip with the 'first' image geometry """ col = col.sort("system:time_start", False) first = ee.Image(col.first()) # band names bandnames = first.bandNames() if clip_to_first: col = img: img.clip(first.geometry())) tempname = "a{}".format(uuid4().hex) # add millis band (for compositing) col = lambda img: img.addBands(ee.Image.constant( ) col = col.sort("system:time_start") composite = col.qualityMosaic(tempname) return"system:time_start",
[docs] def compositeRegularIntervals( collection, interval=1, unit="month", date_range=(1, 0), date_range_unit="month", direction="backward", start=None, end=None, composite_function=None, composite_args=None, composite_kwargs=None, ): """Make a composite at regular intervals parsing a composite. function. This function MUST return an ImageCollection and its first argument must be the input collection. The default function (if the argument is None) is `lambda col: col.median()`. """ if composite_function is None: def composite_function(col): return col.median() sorted_list = collection.sort("system:time_start").toList(collection.size()) if start is None: start_date = ee.Image(sorted_list.get(0)).date() else: start_date = ee.Date(start) if end is None: end_date = ee.Image(sorted_list.get(-1)).date() else: end_date = ee.Date(end) date_ranges = start_date, end_date, interval, unit, date_range, date_range_unit, direction ) def wrap(dr, li): li = ee.List(li) dr = ee.DateRange(dr) middle = ee.Number(dr.end().difference(dr.start(), "day")).divide(2).floor() filtered = collection.filterDate(dr.start(), dr.end().advance(1, "day")) dates = ee.List(filtered.aggregate_array("system:time_start")).map( lambda d: ee.Date(d).format() ) def true(filt, ll): if not composite_args and not composite_kwargs: comp = composite_function(filtered) elif composite_args and not composite_kwargs: comp = composite_function(filtered, *composite_args) elif composite_kwargs and not composite_args: comp = composite_function(filtered, **composite_kwargs) else: comp = composite_function(filtered, *composite_args, **composite_kwargs) comp = comp.set("system:time_start", dr.start().advance(middle, "day").millis()) comp = ( comp.set("dates", dates) .set("composite:time_start", dr.start().format()) .set("composite:time_end", dr.end().format()) ) return ll.add(comp) return ee.Algorithms.If(filtered.size(), true(filtered, li), li) return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(ee.List(date_ranges.iterate(wrap, ee.List([]))))
[docs] def compositeByMonth( collection, composite_function=None, composite_args=None, composite_kwargs=None ): """Make a composite at regular intervals parsing a composite. function. This function MUST return an ImageCollection and its first argument must be the input collection. The default function (if the argument is None) is `lambda col: col.median()`. """ if composite_function is None: def composite_function(col): return col.median() years = ( ee.List(collection.aggregate_array("system:time_start")) .map(lambda d: ee.Date(d).get("year")) .distinct() .sort() ) months = ee.List.sequence(1, 12) def wrapY(year): year = ee.Number(year) filteredY = collection.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(year, year, "year")) def wrap(month, ilist): month = ee.Number(month) date = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, month, 1) filtered = filteredY.filter(ee.Filter.calendarRange(month, month, "month")) def true(filt, ll): if not composite_args and not composite_kwargs: comp = composite_function(filtered) elif composite_args and not composite_kwargs: comp = composite_function(filtered, *composite_args) elif composite_kwargs and not composite_args: comp = composite_function(filtered, **composite_kwargs) else: comp = composite_function(filtered, *composite_args, **composite_kwargs) comp = comp.set("system:time_start", date.millis()) return ee.List(ll).add(comp) return ee.Algorithms.If(filtered.size(), true(filtered, ilist), ilist) return ee.List(months.iterate(wrap, ee.List([]))) images = ee.List( return ee.ImageCollection.fromImages(images.flatten())
[docs] def max(collection, band): """Make a max composite using the specified band.""" band = ee.String(band) first = collection.first() originalbands = first.bandNames() bands = originalbands.remove(band) bands = bands.insert(0, band) col = img: # change bands order comp = col.reduce(ee.Reducer.max(originalbands.size())) return comp.rename(bands).select(originalbands)