Source code for geetools.classification

"""Module for classification tools."""
import ee

[docs] def binaryRasterAccuracy(truth, classified, region=None): """Get a class raster with the following classes. band "classes": 0: no change detected and no real change (true negative) 1: no change detected but real change (false negative) 2: change detected but not real change (false positive) 3: change detected and real change (true positive) band "truth": 0: no change 1: change source: For both `truth` and `classified` image input, it only uses the first band, therefore there is no need to specify a band. :param truth: binary image with ground truth. Only the first band will be used :type truth: ee.Image :param classified: classified binary image. Only the first band will be used :type classified: ee.Image :param region: region for clipping the truth and classified images :type region: ee.Geometry """ # convert to int truth =[0]).toInt().unmask() classified =[0]).toInt().unmask() if region: truth = truth.clip(region) classified = classified.clip(region) final = ( ee.Image() .expression( """ t == 1 && c == 1 ? 3 : t == 0 && c == 1 ? 2 : t == 1 && c == 0 ? 1 : 0 """, dict(t=truth, c=classified), ) .rename("classes") ) return final
[docs] def binaryMetrics(truth, classified, scale, region=None): """Get accuracy from a truth image and a classified image. names from: :param truth: binary truth image. Only the first band will be used :type truth: ee.Image :param classified: the classification results. Only the first band will be used :type classified: ee.Image :param scale: the scale for the analysis :type scale: int :param region: the region for the analysis. :type region: ee.Geometry :return: a dictionary with the following TPR = True Positive Rate, recall or sensitivity TNR = True Negative Rate, selectivity or specificity PPV = Positive Predictive Value or precision NPV = Negative Predictive Value FNR = False Negative Rate or miss rate FPR = False Positive Rate or fall-out FDR = False Discovery Rate FOR = False Omission Rate TS = Threat score ACC = Accuracy BA = Balanced Accuracy F1 = F1 score :rtype: ee.ConfusionMatrix """ class_list = ee.List(["0", "1", "2", "3"]) names_list = ee.List(["TN", "FN", "FP", "TP"]) scale = int(scale) classes = binaryRasterAccuracy(truth, classified, region) params = dict( reducer=ee.Reducer.frequencyHistogram(), scale=scale, maxPixels=int(1e13), tileScale=4, ) if region: params["geometry"] = region # get frequency histogram (classes) matrix = classes.reduceRegion(**params) matrix = ee.Dictionary(matrix.get("classes")) # cast def fillDict(clas, d): d = ee.Dictionary(d) clas = ee.String(clas) cond = d.contains(clas) return ee.Dictionary(ee.Algorithms.If(cond, d, d.set(clas, 0))) class_dict = ee.Dictionary(class_list.iterate(fillDict, matrix)).rename(class_list, names_list) TP = ee.Number(class_dict.get("TP")) TN = ee.Number(class_dict.get("TN")) FP = ee.Number(class_dict.get("FP")) FN = ee.Number(class_dict.get("FN")) ALL = dict(TP=TP, TN=TN, FP=FP, FN=FN) # Metrics TPR = ee.Number.expression("TP/(TP+FN)", ALL) TNR = ee.Number.expression("TN/(TN+FP)", ALL) PPV = ee.Number.expression("TP/(TP+FP)", ALL) NPV = ee.Number.expression("TN/(TN+FN)", ALL) FNR = ee.Number.expression("FN/(FN+TP)", ALL) FPR = ee.Number.expression("FP/(FP+TN)", ALL) FDR = ee.Number.expression("FP/(FP+TP)", ALL) FOR = ee.Number.expression("FN/(FN+TN)", ALL) TS = ee.Number.expression("TP/(TP+FN+FP)", ALL) ACC = ee.Number.expression("(TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN)", ALL) BA = ee.Number.expression("(TPR+TNR)/2", dict(TPR=TPR, TNR=TNR)) F1 = ee.Number.expression("(2*TP)/(2*TP+FP+FN)", ALL) metrics = ee.Dictionary( dict( TPR=TPR, TNR=TNR, PPV=PPV, NPV=NPV, FNR=FNR, FPR=FPR, FDR=FDR, FOR=FOR, TS=TS, ACC=ACC, BA=BA, F1=F1, ) ) return class_dict.combine(metrics)