Source code for geetools.batch.image

"""TODO missing docstring."""
import os

import ee

from .. import tools
from .._deprecated_utils import makeName
from . import utils

[docs] def toLocal(image, name=None, path=None, scale=None, region=None, dimensions=None, toFolder=True): """Download an Image to your hard drive. :param image: the image to download :type image: ee.Image :param path: the path to download the image. If None, it will be downloaded to the same folder as the script is :type path: str :param name: name of the file :type name: str :param scale: scale of the image to download. If None, tries to get it. :type scale: int :param region: region to from where to download the image. If None, will be the image region :type region: ee.Geometry :param """ # TODO: checkExist try: import zipfile except Exception: raise ValueError("zipfile module not found, install it using " "`pip install zipfile`") name = name if name else scale = scale if scale else int(tools.image.minscale(image).getInfo()) if region: region = tools.geometry.getRegion(region) else: region = tools.geometry.getRegion(image) params = {"region": region, "scale": scale} if dimensions: params = params.update({"dimensions": dimensions}) url = image.getDownloadURL(params) ext = "zip" utils.downloadFile(url, name, ext) filename = "{}.{}".format(name, ext) original_filepath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) if path: filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) os.rename(original_filepath, filepath) else: path = os.getcwd() filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) try: zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, "r") if toFolder: finalpath = os.path.join(path, name) else: finalpath = path zip_ref.extractall(finalpath) zip_ref.close() except: raise
[docs] def toAsset( image, assetPath, name=None, to="Folder", scale=None, region=None, create=True, verbose=False, **kwargs ): """This function can create folders and ImageCollections on the fly. The rest is the same to Export.image.toAsset. You can pass the same params as the original function. :param image: the image to upload :type image: ee.Image :param assetPath: path to upload the image (only PATH, without filename) :type assetPath: str :param name: filename for the image (AssetID will be assetPath + name) :type name: str :param to: where to save the image. Options: 'Folder' or 'ImageCollection' :param region: area to upload. default to the footprint of the first image in the collection :type region: ee.Geometry.Rectangle or ee.Feature :param scale: scale of the image (side of one pixel) (Landsat resolution) :type scale: int :param dataType: as downloaded images **must** have the same data type in all bands, you have to set it here. Can be one of: "float", "double", "int", "Uint8", "Int8" or a casting function like *ee.Image.toFloat* :type dataType: str :param notebook: display a jupyter notebook widget to monitor the task :type notebook: bool :return: the tasks :rtype: ee.batch.Task """ # Convert data type # image = utils.convertDataType(dataType)(image) # Check if the user is specified in the asset path is_user = assetPath.split("/")[0] == "users" if not is_user: user =[0]["id"] assetPath = "{}/{}".format(user, assetPath) # description = kwargs.get('description', # Set scale scale = scale if scale else int(tools.image.minscale(image).getInfo()) if create: # Recursive create path path2create = assetPath # '/'.join(assetPath.split('/')[:-1]) utils.createAssets([path2create], to, True) # Region region = tools.geometry.getRegion(region) # Name name = name if name else # Asset ID (Path + name) assetId = "/".join([assetPath, name]) # Description description = utils.matchDescription(name) # Init task task = ee.batch.Export.image.toAsset( image, assetId=assetId, region=region, scale=scale, description=description, **kwargs ) task.start() if verbose: print("Exporting {} to {}".format(name, assetPath)) return task
[docs] def toDriveByFeature( image, collection, folder, namePattern, datePattern=None, scale=1000, dataType="float", verbose=False, **kwargs ): """Export an image clipped by features (Polygons). You can use the. same arguments as the original function ee.batch.export.image.toDrive. :Parameters: :param image: image to clip :type image: ee.Image :param collection: feature collection :type collection: ee.FeatureCollection :param folder: same as ee.Export :type folder: str :param namePattern: a name pattern using image and/or feature properties between brackets. Example: '{ID} {a_feat_prop} {an_image_prop}' :type namePattern: str :param datePattern: a date pattern to use for {system_date} pattern in name :type datePattern: str :param scale: same as ee.Export. Default to 1000 :type scale: int :param dataType: as downloaded images **must** have the same data type in all bands, you have to set it here. Can be one of: "float", "double", "int", "Uint8", "Int8" or a casting function like *ee.Image.toFloat* :type dataType: str :return: a list of all tasks (for further processing/checking) :rtype: list """ collist = collection.toList(collection.size()) tasklist = [] i = 0 while True: try: feat = ee.Feature(collist.get(i)) props = feat.toDictionary() n = makeName(image, namePattern, datePattern) n = tools.string.format(n, props) n = n.getInfo() n = n.replace("{", "").replace("}", "") desc = utils.matchDescription(n) # convert data type image = utils.convertDataType(dataType)(image) region = tools.geometry.getRegion(feat) task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive( image=image, description=desc, folder=folder, fileNamePrefix=n, region=region, scale=scale, **kwargs ) task.start() if verbose: print("exporting '{}' to '{}' folder in GDrive".format(n, folder)) tasklist.append(task) i += 1 except Exception as e: error = str(e).split(":") if error[0] == "List.get": break else: raise e
[docs] def qgisCode(image, visParams=None, name=None, namePattern=None, datePattern=None): """Missing docstring.""" QGIS_IMG_CODE = """name = '{name}' url = '{url}' urlWithParams = "type=xyz&url={{}}".format(url) rlayer = QgsRasterLayer(urlWithParams, name, "wms") if rlayer.isValid(): QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer) else: print("invalid layer") """ url = tools.image.getTileURL(image, visParams) if namePattern: name = makeName(image, namePattern, datePattern) else: name = name or "no_name_img" return QGIS_IMG_CODE.format(name=name, url=url)
[docs] def toQGIS( image, visParams=None, name=None, filename=None, path=None, replace=True, verbose=False, ): """Download a python file to import from QGIS.""" code = qgisCode(image, visParams, name) path = path or os.getcwd() # Check extension if filename: ext = filename.split(".")[-1] if ext != "py": filename += ".py" else: filename = "qgis2ee" # add _qgis_ to filename split = filename.split(".")[:-1] noext = ".".join(split) filename = "{}_qgis_".format(noext) # process finalpath = os.path.join(path, filename) finalpath = "{}.py".format(finalpath) if not os.path.exists(finalpath) or replace: with open(finalpath, "w+") as thefile: thefile.write(code) return thefile else: return None