Source code for geetools._deprecated_visualization

# coding=utf-8
"""Legacy Helper functions for visualizing data on a map."""
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Removed as this lib does not deal with map anymore")
[docs] def stretch_std(image, region, bands=None, std=1, scale=None): """Get mins and maxs values for stretching a visualization using standard deviation.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Interactive methods have been moved to ipygee. For non-interactive, rely on your visualization library like rasterio, matplotlib, etc." )
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Removed as this lib does not deal with map anymore")
[docs] def stretch_percentile(image, region, bands=None, percentile=90, scale=None): """Get mins and maxs values for stretching a visualization using percentiles.""" raise NotImplementedError( "Interactive methods have been moved to ipygee. For non-interactive, rely on your visualization library like rasterio, matplotlib, etc." )