Source code for geetools._deprecated_utils

# coding=utf-8
"""Legacy util functions."""
import ee
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated

    reason="The information is already in the object __name__ attribute",
[docs] def getReducerName(reducer): """Get the name of the parsed reducer.""" return reducer.__name__.replace("Reducer.", "")
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use geopandas instead")
[docs] def reduceRegionsPandas(data, index="system:index", add_coordinates=False, duplicate_index=False): """Transform data coming from Image.reduceRegions to a pandas dataframe.""" raise NotImplementedError("Use geopandas.GeoDataFrame(data.getInfo()) instead")
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image(value) instead")
[docs] def castImage(value): """Cast a value into an ee.Image if it is not already.""" return ee.Image(value)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.format instead")
[docs] def makeName(img, pattern, date_pattern=None, extra=None): """Make a name with the given pattern.""" return ee.Image(img).geetools.format(pattern, date_pattern)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use ee.Image.isletMask instead")
[docs] def maskIslands(mask, limit, pixels_limit=1000): """Returns a new mask where connected pixels with less than 'limit'.""" return ee.Image(mask).geetools.isletMask(limit)
@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use pure Python instead")
[docs] def dict2namedtuple(thedict, name="NamedDict"): """Create a namedtuple from a dict object. It handles nested dicts.""" raise NotImplementedError("Use pure Python instead")
@deprecated( version="1.0.0", reason="Interactive methods have been moved to ipygee in version 0.5", )
[docs] def formatVisParams(visParams): """Format visualization parameters.""" raise NotImplementedError("Use ipygee instead")
@deprecated( version="1.0.0", reason="Interactive methods have been moved to ipygee in version 0.5", )
[docs] def evaluate(obj, callback, args): """Retrieve eeobject value asynchronously. First argument of callback.""" raise NotImplementedError("Use ipygee instead")