Source code for geetools.String

"""Extra methods for the ``ee.String`` class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import ee

from geetools.accessors import register_class_accessor
from geetools.types import ee_dict, ee_str

@register_class_accessor(ee.String, "geetools")
[docs] class StringAccessor: """Toolbox for the ``ee.String`` class.""" def __init__(self, obj: ee.String): """Initialize the String class.""" self._obj = obj
[docs] def eq(self, other: ee_str) -> ee.Number: """Compare two strings and return a ``ee.Number``. Parameters: other: The string to compare with. Returns: ``1`` if the strings are equal, ``0`` otherwise. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() s = ee.String("foo").geetools.eq("foo") s.getInfo() """ return self._obj.compareTo(ee.String(other)).Not()
[docs] def format(self, template: ee_dict) -> ee.String: """Format a string with a dictionary. Replace the keys in the string using the values provided in the dictionary. Follow the same pattern: value format as Python string.format method. Parameters: template: A dictionary with the values to replace. Returns: The formatted string. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() s = ee.String("{greeting} {name} !").geetools.format({"greeting": "Hello", "name": "bob"}) s.getInfo() """ template = ee.Dictionary(template) templateList = template.keys().zip(template.values()) def replace_format(kv, s): kv = ee.List(kv) key, value = ee.String(kv.get(0)), ee.String(kv.get(1)) pattern = ee.String("{").cat(key).cat(ee.String("}")) return ee.String(s).replace(pattern, value) return templateList.iterate(replace_format, self._obj)