Source code for geetools.Join

"""Extra methods for the ``ee.Join`` class."""
from __future__ import annotations

import ee

from geetools.accessors import register_class_accessor
from geetools.types import ee_str

@register_class_accessor(ee.Join, "geetools")
[docs] class JoinAccessor: """Toolbox for the ``ee.Join`` class.""" def __init__(self, obj: ee.join): """Initialize the Join class.""" self._obj = obj @staticmethod
[docs] def byProperty( primary: ee.Collection, secondary: ee.Collection, field: ee_str, outer: bool = False, ) -> ee.Collection: """Join 2 collections by a given property field. It assumes ids are unique so uses ee.Join.saveFirst. Args: primary: the first collection secondary: the second collection field: the field to join by outer: whether to keep non matching features Returns: the joined collection Example: .. code-block:: python import ee import geetools ee.Initialize() point = ee.Geometry.Point([0,0]) prop1 = {'id': 1, 'prop_from_fc1': 'I am from fc1'} prop2 = {'id': 1, 'prop_from_fc2': 'I am from fc2'} fc1 = ee.FeatureCollection([ee.Feature(point, prop1)]) fc2 = ee.FeatureCollection([ee.Feature(point, prop2)]) joined = ee.Join.geetools.byProperty(fc1, fc2, 'id') joined.getInfo() """ field = ee.String(field) primary, secondary = ee.FeatureCollection(primary), ee.FeatureCollection(secondary) Filter = ee.Filter.equals(leftField=field, rightField=field) join = ee.Join.saveFirst(matchKey="match", outer=outer) joined = join.apply(primary, secondary, Filter) def cleanJoin(feat): primaryProp = feat.propertyNames().remove("match") secondaryProp = ee.Feature(feat.get("match")).toDictionary() return return ee.FeatureCollection(