Source code for geetools.Asset

"""An Asset management class mimicking the ``pathlib.Path`` class behaviour."""
from __future__ import annotations

import re
from pathlib import PurePosixPath
from typing import Optional

import ee

from geetools.accessors import _register_extention
from geetools.types import pathlike

[docs] class Asset: """An Asset management class mimicking the ``pathlib.Path`` class behaviour.""" def __init__(self, *args): """Initialize the Asset class. .. note:: An asset cannot be an absolute path like in a normal filesystem and thus any trailing "/" will be removed. """ self._path = args[0]._path if isinstance(args[0], Asset) else PurePosixPath(*args) self._path = PurePosixPath(str(self._path)[1:]) if self._path.is_absolute() else self._path
[docs] def __str__(self): """Transform the asset id to a string.""" return self.as_posix()
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Return the asset object representation as a string.""" return f"ee.{type(self).__name__}('{self.as_posix()}')"
[docs] def __truediv__(self, other: pathlike) -> Asset: """Override the division operator to join the asset with other paths.""" return Asset(self._path / str(other))
[docs] def __lt__(self, other: pathlike) -> bool: """Override the less than operator to compare the asset with other paths.""" return self._path < PurePosixPath(str(other))
[docs] def __gt__(self, other: pathlike) -> bool: """Override the greater than operator to compare the asset with other paths.""" return self._path > PurePosixPath(str(other))
[docs] def __le__(self, other: pathlike) -> bool: """Override the less than or equal operator to compare the asset with other paths.""" return self._path <= PurePosixPath(str(other))
[docs] def __ge__(self, other: pathlike) -> bool: """Override the greater than or equal operator to compare the asset with other paths.""" return self._path >= PurePosixPath(str(other))
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Override the equal operator to compare the asset with other paths.""" return self._path == PurePosixPath(str(other))
[docs] def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Override the not equal operator to compare the asset with other paths.""" return self._path != PurePosixPath(str(other))
[docs] def __idiv__(self, other: pathlike) -> Asset: """Override the in-place division operator to join the asset with other paths.""" return Asset(self._path / str(other))
[docs] def home(cls) -> Asset: """Return the root asset folder of the used cloud project. Returns: The root asset folder. Examples: .. code-block:: python ee.Asset.home() """ return cls(f"projects/{}/assets/")
[docs] def as_posix(self) -> str: """Return the asset id as a posix path. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.as_posix() # equivalent to str(asset) """ return self._path.as_posix()
[docs] def as_uri(self) -> str: """Return the asset id as a uri. The uri can be directly copy/pasted to your browser to see the asset in the GEE code editor. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.as_uri() """ return f"{self.as_posix()}"
[docs] def is_absolute(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return True if the asset is absolute. An absolute asset path starts with "projects" and contains "assets" at the 3rd position. We don't check if the project name exist in this method, simply the sctructure of the path. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not absolute. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.is_absolute() """ # we decided not to enforce the length of the parts to still be able to use the # relative_to method of the Path class. Consequence is tis little trick in case # the asset is not absolute at all. parts = dict(enumerate( if parts.get(0) == "projects" and parts.get(2) == "assets": return True else: if raised is True: raise ValueError(f"Asset {self.as_posix()} is not absolute.") else: return False
[docs] def is_user_project(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Check if the current asset is in the same project as the user. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not in the same project. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.is_user_project() """ if self.is_relative_to(self.home()._path): return True else: if raised is True: user_project = msg = f"Asset {self.as_posix()} is not in the same project as the user ({user_project})" raise ValueError(msg) else: return False
[docs] def expanduser(self) -> Asset: """Return a new path with expanded ~ constructs. If one don't want to write the path with the complete project name, the method will build it for you. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("~/assets/folder/image") asset.expanduser() """ return Asset(self.as_posix().replace("~", self.home().as_posix(), 1))
[docs] def exists(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return True if the asset exists and/or the user has access to it. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset does not exist. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.exists() """ try: return True except ee.EEException: if raised is True: raise ValueError(f"Asset {self.as_posix()} does not exist.") else: return False
[docs] def parts(self): """Return the asset parts of the path. We will show all the parts from the root to the asset name. Remember that projects/user/assets is not part of the asset name but is part of the path. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") """ return
[docs] def parent(self): """Return the direct parent directory. It can go further up than the root folder if the asset is not absolute. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.parent """ return Asset(self._path.parent)
[docs] def parents(self): """Return the parent directories from the root folder. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.parents """ # we remove the files that are not assets but are parsed by parents method parents = self._path.parents patterns = [r"^\.$", "^projects$", r"^projects/[^/]+$", r"^projects/[^/]+/assets$"] return [Asset(a) for a in parents if not any(re.match(p, str(a)) for p in patterns)]
[docs] def name(self): """Return the asset name. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") """ return
[docs] def st_size(self): """Return the byte size of the file. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.st_size """ # sanity checks self.exists(raised=True) if self.is_folder(): raise ValueError(f"Asset {self.as_posix()} is a folder.") return int(["sizeBytes"])
[docs] def is_relative_to(self, other: pathlike) -> bool: """Return True if the asset is relative to another asset. Args: other: The other asset to compare with. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.is_relative_to("projects/ee-geetools/assets") """ return self._path.is_relative_to(PurePosixPath(str(other)))
[docs] def joinpath(self, *args) -> Asset: """Join the asset with other paths. Args: *args: The other paths to join with the asset. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.joinpath("other", "path") """ return Asset(self._path.joinpath(*args))
[docs] def match(self, *patterns) -> bool: """Return True if the asset matches the patterns. patterns: The patterns to match with the asset name. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.match("**/image") """ return self._path.match(*patterns)
[docs] def with_name(self, name: str) -> Asset: """Return the asset with the given name. Args: name: The new name for the asset. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.with_name("new_image") """ return Asset(self._path.with_name(name))
[docs] def is_image(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the asset is an image. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not an image. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.is_image() """ return self.is_type("IMAGE", raised)
[docs] def is_image_collection(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the asset is an image collection. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not an image collection. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image_collection") asset.is_image_collection() """ return self.is_type("IMAGE_COLLECTION", raised)
[docs] def is_feature_collection(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the asset is a feature collection. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not a feature collection. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/feature_collection") asset.is_feature_collection() """ return self.is_type("FEATURE_COLLECTION", raised) or self.is_type("TABLE", raised)
[docs] def is_folder(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the asset is a folder. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not a folder. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder") asset.is_folder() """ return self.is_type("FOLDER", raised)
[docs] def type(self) -> str: """Return the asset type. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.type """ self.exists(raised=True) return["type"]
[docs] def is_project(self, raised: bool = False) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the asset is a project. As project path are not assets, we cannot check their existence. We only check the path structure. Args: raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not a project. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets") asset.is_project() """ if self.is_absolute() and len( == 3: return True else: if raised is True: raise ValueError(f"Asset {self.as_posix()} is not a project.") else: return False
[docs] def is_type(self, asset_type: str, raised=False) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the asset is of the specified type. Args: asset_type: The asset type to check for. raised: If True, raise an exception if the asset is not corresponding to the type. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.is_type("IMAGE") """ self.exists(raised=True) if self.type == asset_type: return True else: if raised is True: raise ValueError(f"Asset {self.as_posix()} is not a {asset_type}.") else: return False
[docs] def iterdir(self, recursive: bool = False) -> list: """Get the list of children of a folder. Args: recursive: If True, get all the children recursively. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder") asset.iterdir(recursive=True) """ # sanity check on variables self.is_project() or self.is_type("FOLDER", raised=True) # no need for recursion if recursive is false we directly return the result of th API call if recursive is False: asset_ids ={"parent": self.as_posix()})["assets"] return [Asset(asset["id"]) for asset in asset_ids] # recursive function to get all the assets def _recursive_get(folder, asset_list): for asset in{"parent": str(folder)})["assets"]: asset_list.append(Asset(asset["id"])) if asset["type"] == "FOLDER" and recursive is True: asset_list = _recursive_get(asset["id"], asset_list) return asset_list return _recursive_get(self, [])
[docs] def mkdir(self, parents=False, exist_ok=False) -> Asset: """Create a folder asset from the Asset path. Args: parents: If True, create all the parents of the folder. Defaults to False. exist_ok: If True, do not raise an error if the folder already exists. Defaults to False. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder") asset.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) """ # check if the root is the same as home (only place where we can write to) self.is_absolute(raised=True) # list the non-existing parents of the folder to create to_be_created = [p for p in self.parents if not p.exists()] # if the complete one is in the list and exist_ok is True remove it from the list and # proceed else raise an error if self.exists() and exist_ok is False: raise ValueError(f"Asset {self.as_posix()} already exists.") elif not self.exists(): to_be_created.insert(0, self) # if parents is True, create all the parts that are in the list # else raise an error with the 1st parent name if len(to_be_created) > 1 and parents is False: raise ValueError(f'Parent Asset "{to_be_created[-1]}" does not exist.') # 2 option either there is 1 single element in the list or all the parents are included # we need to walk it in reversed to make sure the parents are build first. for p in reversed(to_be_created):{"type": "FOLDER"}, p.as_posix()) return self
[docs] def owner(self): """Return the asset owner (project name). This method is only parsing the asset path and is not checking asset existence. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.owner """ self.is_absolute(raised=True) return[1]
[docs] def move(self, new_asset: Asset, overwrite: bool = False) -> Asset: """Move the asset to a target destination. Move this asset (any type) to the given target, and return a new ``Asset`` instance pointing to target. If target exists and overwrite is False the method will raise an error. Else it will silently delete the existing file. If the asset is a folder the whole content will be moved as well. The initial content is removed after the move. Args: new_asset: The destination asset. overwrite: If True, overwrite the destination asset if it exists. Defaults to False. Returns: The new asset instance. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") new_asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/new_image") asset.move(new_asset, overwrite=False) """ # exit if the destination asset exist and overwrite is False if new_asset.exists() and overwrite is False: raise ValueError(f"Asset {new_asset.as_posix()} already exists.") # make all the parents of the target asset if necessary new_asset.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # copy the asset to the new destination. If the asset is a folder, we need to move all its # content recursively to the new destination we recursively call this method on each # children of the asset if it's a folder it will loop again and if it's not it will # reach the delete step if self.is_folder(): new_asset.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for asset in self.iterdir(): loc_asset = new_asset / asset._path.relative_to(self._path) asset.move(loc_asset, overwrite=overwrite) else:, new_asset.as_posix(), allowOverwrite=True) # delete the initial asset self.unlink() return new_asset
[docs] def rmdir(self, recursive: bool = False, dry_run: Optional[bool] = None) -> list: """Remove the asset folder. This method will delete a folder asset and all its childrend. by default it is not recursive and will raise an error if the folder is not empty. By setting the recursive argument to True, the method will delete all the children and the folder asset. To avoid deleting important assets by accident the method is set to dry_run by default. Args: recursive: If True, delete all the children and the folder asset. Defaults to False. dry_run: If True, do not delete the asset simply pass them to the output list. Defaults to True. Returns: The list of deleted assets. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder") asset.rmdir(recursive=True) """ # raise an error if the asset is not a folder self.is_type("FOLDER", raised=True) # init if it should be a dry-run or not # if we run a recursive rmdir the dry_run is set to True to avoid deleting too many things by accident # if we run a non-recursive rmdir the dry_run is set to False to delete the folder only dry_run = dry_run if dry_run is not None else recursive # define a delete function to change the behaviour of the method depending of the mode # in dry mode, the function only store the assets to be destroyed as a dictionary. # in non dry mode, the function store the asset names in a dictionary AND delete them. output = [] def delete(asset): output.append(str(asset)) dry_run is True or if recursive is True: # get all the assets asset_list = self.iterdir(recursive=True) # split the files by nesting levels # we will need to delete the more nested files first assets_ordered: dict = {} for asset in asset_list: lvl = len( assets_ordered.setdefault(lvl, []) assets_ordered[lvl].append(asset) # delete all items starting from the more nested ones assets_ordered = dict(sorted(assets_ordered.items(), reverse=True)) for lvl in assets_ordered: [delete(asset) for asset in assets_ordered[lvl]] # delete the initial folder/asset delete(self) return output
[docs] def delete(self): """Alias for unlink. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") asset.delete() """ return self.unlink()
[docs] def copy(self, new_asset: Asset, overwrite: bool = False) -> Asset: """Copy the asset to a target destination. Copy this asset (any type) to the given target, and return a new ``Asset`` instance pointing to target. If target exists and overwrite is False the method will raise an error. Else it will silently delete the existing asset. If the asset is a folder the whole content will be moved as well. Args: new_asset: The destination asset. overwrite: If True, overwrite the destination asset if it exists. Defaults to False. Returns: The new asset instance. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/image") new_asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder/new_image") asset.copy(new_asset, overwrite=False) """ # exit if the destination asset exist and overwrite is False if new_asset.exists() and overwrite is False: raise ValueError(f"Asset {new_asset.as_posix()} already exists.") # make all the parents of the target asset if necessary new_asset.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # copy the asset to the new destination. If the asset is a folder, we need to move all its # content recursively to the new destination we recursively call this method on each # children of the asset if it's a folder it will loop again. if self.is_folder(): new_asset.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for asset in self.iterdir(): loc_asset = new_asset / asset._path.relative_to(self._path) asset.copy(loc_asset, overwrite=overwrite) else:, new_asset.as_posix(), allowOverwrite=True) return new_asset
[docs] def glob(self, pattern: str) -> list: """Return a list of assets matching the pattern. Args: pattern: The pattern to match with the asset name. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder") asset.glob("image_*") """ return [a for a in self.iterdir(recursive=False) if a.match(pattern)]
[docs] def rglob(self, pattern: str) -> list: """Return a list of assets matching the pattern recursively. Args: pattern: The pattern to match with the asset name. Examples: .. code-block:: python asset = ee.Asset("projects/ee-geetools/assets/folder") asset.rglob("image_*") """ return [a for a in self.iterdir(recursive=True) if a.match(pattern)]