Source code for geetools.Array

"""Extra methods for the ``ee.Array`` class.

.. warning::

    As reported in, this object cannot be extended before the API of
    Earth Enfine is initialized. So to use the following methods, you will be forced to manually import the following:

    .. code-block:: python

        from geetools.Array import ArrayAccessor
from __future__ import annotations

import ee

from geetools.accessors import register_class_accessor
from geetools.types import ee_int, ee_number

# hack to have the generated Array class available
# it might create issues in the future with libs that have exotic init methods
# ee.Initialize()

@register_class_accessor(ee.Array, "geetools")
[docs] class ArrayAccessor: """Toolbox for the ``ee.Array`` class.""" def __init__(self, obj: ee.Array): """Initialize the Array class.""" self._obj = obj # -- alternative constructor -----------------------------------------------
[docs] def full( self, width: ee_number, height: ee_number, value: ee_number, ) -> ee.Array: """Create an array with the given dimensions, initialized to the given value. Parameters: width: The width of the array. height: The height of the array. value: The value to initialize the array with. Returns: An array with the given dimensions, initialized to the given value. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() arr = ee.Array.geetools.full(3, 3, 1) arr.getInfo() """ width, height = ee.Number(width).toInt(), ee.Number(height).toInt() return ee.Array(ee.List.repeat(ee.List.repeat(value, width), height))
# -- data maniputlation ----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def set( self, x: ee_int, y: ee_int, value: ee_number, ) -> ee.Array: """Set the value of a cell in an array. Parameters: x: The x coordinate of the cell. y: The y coordinate of the cell. value: The value to set the cell to. Returns: The array with the cell set to the given value. Examples: .. code-block:: python import ee, geetools ee.Initialize() arr = ee.Array.geetools.full(3, 3, 1) arr.geetools.set(1, 1, 0).getInfo() """ xPos, yPos = ee.Number(x).toInt(), ee.Number(y).toInt() row = ee.List(self._obj.toList().get(yPos)).set(xPos, ee.Number(value)) return ee.Array(self._obj.toList().set(yPos, row))